Dear Chapstick (A Love Letter)


A link-up of love letters to anyone – or anything, for that matter.  Also linking up with Mama Kat’s pretty much world- famous writer’s workshop and answering the prompt: Write a love letter to the object of your affection.


Dear Chapstick,

Someone recently asked me what is the one material item that I can’t live without – and – you were it.  I don’t have a favorite purse or the snazzy reliable pair of heels that I wear everyday.  Instead, I carry you around with me wherever I go.

The more time I spent thinking about it, the more I realized that you’ve really been there through everything in my life.  May I remind you?

I’m palms-sweaty, nerve-wracking giddyish, and you stay cool, calm bubblegum during the first kiss.

I’m snot-nosed, red-faced and wind-smacked and you’re mint dancing on my ski bunny lips.

I’m a Love Actually viewer, tissue box clutcher, tear-stained cheeks.  You’re my soothing relief.

I’m tan-legged, ripped jeans; country music playing in his truck.  You insist on making smooth vanilla moves on him.

I’m sleepy-eyed, coffee is brewing, bacon frying in the pan.  You wake me up.

I’m an 18-year-old at heart; wildflowers in my hair.  You’re the smell of honey buzzing in the air.

I’m the interviewee, new job stress.  You’re my confidence.

I’m jet-setting, big city dreams and you’re the Dr. Pepper of my teenage past.

I’m red high heels messiness; little black dress.  You’re my finishing touch.

You’re the reminder of my fun and flirty girlish ways.

Of every age.

“There’s a wild, wild whisper blowing in the wind.  Calling out my name like a long-lost friend. ” ~Lady Antebellum

26 thoughts on “Dear Chapstick (A Love Letter)

  1. Oh, I LOVE this. I have Chapstick and equivalent in every pocket and purse. In my car, at my desk at work, and by my bedside. As a child I had to have my lips reconstructed, and I’ve suffered chronic dry lips since then. I could have written a very similar letter! Thanks so much for joining in.

  2. I, too, have a love affair with Chapstick. Two in my purse, one in each coat pocket, one in my nightstand drawer, two in my desk drawer. It’s nice to meet a kindred spirit! 🙂

  3. This is great! I’m a total Chapstick-a-holic too, especially at this time of year when it is so cold and dry in the Midwest. I love how you used Chapstick as a lens to look back at moments from your history – so clever and so fun!

  4. I don’t think too many people could have executed such a well-written ode to Chapstick. Bravo! My husband has them lying all over the house so he’s converted my 5-year-old daughter and me into chapstick lovers.

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