The Very Best of 2013 with Link Love

Happy New Years, everyone!  I realize that it’s January 2nd, but I believe that it’s never too late to send a New Years greeting!  I also believe that it’s never too late to take a glance in the rear view mirror and reflect on the past year, which is exactly what I’m doing today…

This post is about sharing some of my own favorite writing from 2013, and some of my favorites from the blogging community.  Both writing and reading good blog posts inspires me to push on in my pursuit of becoming a better person.  To those of you who wrote one of these posts, thank you for sharing your words with us in 2013.


co and kin


my sister and my dog

1. The Art of Journaling by Kenzie at Chasing Happy :: how various forms of journaling awakens something different inside of us

2. One Thing Your Daughter Doesn’t Need You to Say by Emily at Chatting at the Sky :: i could read this post over and over and over

3. On the Night before your First Middle School Dance by Dana at The Kitch Witch :: a beautiful mother – daughter tale

4. Don’t Waste your Motherhood by Tahnie at A Happy Girl :: about her gratitude for being a mother. a must read whether you’re a mother or not.

5. Letting go of fearing Forever by Jennifer at Project: Underblog :: a post about being comfortable in our own skin

plus some of my own…

1. What is the biggest regret of your life?  :: on how to prevent life regrets

2. 10 Things that Make Me Blush :: my only and favorite poetry piece i’ve ever written

3. The Best Way to Feed your Soul this Fall :: my post on 31 random acts of kindness; one of my favorite projects in 2013

4. Dear Chapstick (A Love Letter) :: a fun piece about being a girl

5. Chinese Food, F* Bombs & My Dad :: a peek into life growing up with my dad!

I hope everyone is ringing in the new year on a high note!  But before we start talking resolutions (even if you’ve already started), what was your favorite moment of 2013??

Linking up with Mama Kat’s workshop.  Prompt #3: Share your top blog posts of 2013.

How I Finished the Rest of my Random Acts

If you’re going to read any post in the 31 Random Acts series, this might be the one.  It is the mother of all random acts articles.  With the holidays approaching, I knew I was running out of time to dedicate to RAKs so I knocked the rest of them out of the park in one fell swoop.

Here’s how the 10 remaining RAKs went down.

#25. Beautify your surroundings (or someone else’s!) – For a long time, I had no idea what to do for this act.  Finally, while on a run with Kina the other weekend, I noticed garbage next to the roadway.  So, for my 3-mile run/walk (while carrying garbage, I needed to walk!), I picked up garbage!  Luckily, I was also wearing gloves.  🙂

#16 Something inspired by one of your New Year’s Resolutions – I kind of failed at creating New Year’s resolutions for 2013, but I definitely know that one for 2014 will be improving my relationship with my mother.  Like many mothers and daughters, we have our ups and downs, and I’m hoping that a trip to Lucky’s Cafe in Cleveland (with a RAK gift card that I got her) will help us stay on an up course!

#14 If you unexpectedly had a completely free afternoon, what would you do with it?  Perform a random act inspired by your answer. – If I unexpectedly had a free afternoon, I would definitely do something cultural.  In DC, this means spending time in the district.  So, while I was in the city the other day, I dropped off packs for the homeless.  They contained gloves, protein bars, toothbrushes, tooth paste, and $10 gift certificates to Burger King.  It made me so happy to leave a couple around the city!

#12 Help someone enjoy a memory.  – After I dropped off the homeless packs, I walked down Pennsylvania Ave. in front of the White House.  It was the perfect opportunity to help some people enjoy memories by taking pictures of them!

#30 Get someone to perform a random act with you – After three failed attempts, my friend Tiffany came to the rescue for this one when we bought people lattes at Starbucks!  We couldn’t figure out the best way to do it so we finally settled on just buying a drink at the cash register and telling the cashier to make them for the next people who ordered them.  I think the act made both of our days!

#26 Make a sacrifice for someone else – On the way home from the Starbucks journey, I dropped off some nice coats at Tropical Smoothie Cafe.  They are currently holding a coat drive for families in need of coats this winter.  I didn’t know this before I went there, but you also get a free smoothie  if you donate a coat!  The ones that I donated were ones that I would still wear today so I considered it a sacrifice.

#29 Perform a random act of kindness anonymously – I feel like it’s giving away too much if I tell you this one.  Just trust that it’s done.

#28 Make a wish come true – I hope this is not a cop-out, but I submitted a volunteer application to support the Make a Wish Foundation.  I haven’t actually performed an act yet, but I’m hoping I will eventually get a position and help interview families looking for wishes for their children with life-threatening illnesses.  Fingers crossed!

#19 Commemorate someone who has made a difference in your life – Because of blogging, I’ve been able to meet a lot of other women and men who share a similar passion for writing and wanting to share their corner of the internet with people.  An amazing writer and woman, who I’ve had the pleasure of meeting virtually and in-person, inspired me to perform this act.  As a former English teacher, she blogs over at The Kitchen Witch, and I’m always amazed at the posts she writes.  She is truly blessed in the gift of writing!  The Kitch Witch also hails from Colorado so when I read about how her neighbors were impacted by the Colorado floods a couple weeks ago, I knew I needed to donate to the PTO in her town who is helping support flood victims.

#5 Do something for the elderly – This one was so elusive!  I finally gave in and donated to Meals on Wheels.  Next time I would like to volunteer for MoW, but that proved more difficult to figure out.  Some of these random acts need planning!  Haha.

Anddd we’re done!!  Thank you everyone for your RAK love these past few weeks.  I plan on writing a recap post next week sometime.  But, for now, on to pictures and a recap of all the acts!

homeless packs


Why don’t I have more pictures??!

1. Something you would want someone to do for you.Day 1: When a Woman Needs Flowers
2. What’s something you have that you no longer want or need?  Give it away. Day 3: Tips for Donating Clothes
3. Remember a time someone helped you out.  Do something to pay them backDay 5: Say Thank You
4. Think about something specific about someone that you think is really great.  Do something to commemorate it.  Day 16: Commemorating my sister
5. Do something for the elderly. Act 31: Meals on Wheels Donation
6. Do something for the young. Day 11: It’s For the Kids
7. Share a treat with someone you love. Act 18: Custard in Del Ray
8. Write a note to someone you’ve been meaning to talk toDay 4: Letters to Home
9. Do something with books. Day 12: Reading Rainbow!
10. Do something with coinsDay 9: A Little Change with your Coffee?
11. Do something with food / beverages. Act 22: Food Bank Donation
12. Help someone enjoy a memory. Act 25: Pictures in front of the White House
13. Thank someone you’ve been meaning to thank. Act 19: An Upcoming Gamble
14. If you unexpectedly had a completely free afternoon, what would you do with it?  Perform a random act inspired by your answer.
15. Something that you would have wanted as a 10-year-old kid.Day 7: What I Wanted as a Ten Year Old Kid
16. Something inspired by one of your New Year’s resolutions. Act 23: Lucky Cafe Gift Card
17. Preserve something in nature. Act 20: 15 Memorial Arbor Trees
18. Perform a small gesture that will have a big impact on someone. Day 8: A Small Gesture with a Big Impact
19. Commemorate someone who has made a difference in your life. Act 30: Colorado PTO Donation
20. Honor those who sacrifice for us. Day 15: Honor those who sacrifice for us
21. Help an animal. Act 21: Dog Food Donation
22. Do something to become a better friend to someoneDay 13: Paleo Magic Bars & Drop Ins
23. Beautify your surroundings (or someone else’s!) Act 22: Garbage on the side of the road
24. Spend only $1 on a kind and high-impact act for someone else Act 17: Organ Donation
25. Inspire someoneDay 6: Things I Unexpectedly Learned at the 2013 Ragnar Relay
26. Make a sacrifice for someone else. Act 27: Coat Donation
27. Do something for a coworker. Day 10: A Friday Treat
28. Make a wish come true. Act 29: Make a Wish Volunteer
29. Perform a random act of kindness anonymously. Act 28: Secret!
30. Get someone to perform a random act with you. Act 26: Starbucks with Tiffany
31. Make someone smile Day 14: Make Someone Smile