One Weekend without Social Media: Gasp!

Breaking News – I made it through the weekend without social media!! It was tempting to scroll through facebook or pop on over to pinterest before bed each night, but to my surprise, I avoided all sources of societal buzz.  Through 5PM Friday to 8AM Monday, this included:

-Not feeding news through Facebook

-Not pinning on Pinterest

-Not instantly adding photos to Instagram

-Not teetering away on Twitter

-Not reading any emails

-Not posting or reading others’ blog posts

I’m still shocked!!  And, I got a lot done if you include sleeping and watching basketball a lot.  When I wasn’t enjoying extra ZZZ’s and NCAA’s, I did the following:

drinks with the man

1.  Went out to dinner with the man.  He’s the best!  His drink looks kinda girly, but it didn’t taste that way.  Orange juice and gin, ew.  And, yes, the orange peel did get stuck to his lips/face at one point.  Hot.

march madness

2. Instead of ordering dessert, I suggested another drink and some March Madness at the restaurant’s bar downstairs.  This led to a couple of drinks and a crazy Georgetown / Florida Gulf Coast University (who?) battle.  As you can tell, a lot of people were interested in the madness.  The main squeeze and I had a lot of fun together; we’ve dated for almost a year, but the lightheartedness makes it feel like it’s only been a month or two.  🙂


3. We woke up early due to my dog’s inability to take herself outside to go to the bathroom.  I’m not sure why she can’t just walk around the block by herself… and the 7AM internal alarm clock on a Saturday.. really, dog?  Anyways… I made some breakfast to start the day off right.  Yum.

kina sleeping

4. Due to the 7AM wake-up time (see above), dog needed a nap around 11.  Excuuusee me.  Luckily, I took Ms. Lazy to the dog park later that day for some frolicking and bootay sniffing.


5. After the dog park,  I headed over to Old Navy to purchase some new sunglasses since I broke mine last weekend.  If you look hard enough (not even that hard), you’ll notice that the sticker is still on them in this picture.  I just realized that about a day ago.. when the sticker fell off.  No worries, playing it real cool over here.


6. Then, I went and got my toes did!  Thank god.  I went for a bubble gum color and I they delivered!  I also got dinner with my friend, Kelly, later in the evening but I forgot to take a pic.


7.  Sunday morning brought more sleep.  No, my dog didn’t magically find a way to walk herself.  We still awoke at 7AM (*curse*) but I fell back asleep and woke up again at 10, which is actually super late for me.  I found Clueless on TV; the part where she’s looking at Josh’s cassette tape in the car cracked me up.  I’m sure 20% of the people who read this blog post don’t even know what a cassette tape is.


8.  At this point, I’ve completely forgotten about social media, but I’m also super bored.  So, I started reading my copy of Elements of Style which main squeeze got me for Valentine’s Day.  Hmm.. although useful, this was also not really exciting.

Then I made dinner and watched 60 minutes.  Yawn.

I’m the *funnest* 26 year-old ya ever met.  End of story.  😉

*What did you do this weekend?  *Do you enjoy disconnecting from social media?

7 thoughts on “One Weekend without Social Media: Gasp!

  1. I find it’s really tough for me to fully disconnect from social media because often times that’s what my friends are using to organize offline events, and a full on social media fast often results in a missed fun opportunity. However, I do try to keep my screen time to a minimum on the weekends and/or days that my boyfriend has off from work.

    This weekend was exceptionally social for me.

    I had a friend visiting from out of town, who was here for a rugby tournament. Turns out that my friend had a rugby player from NYC that he’d been talking to for months online and it turned out that the guy only lives four blocks from me, so I made a new neighborhood friend.

    Another friend of mine came over to visit, and we talked about my business plans for awhile on Sunday, and then my boyfriend, roommate and I all went to a 50th birthday party for a former coworker of theirs on Sunday night…. and after that I mopped the bathroom floor.

    It’s amazing what I get done when I limit the screen time!

  2. Pingback: Signs You are Truly Happy | Crossroads of the Heart

  3. Pingback: Hold Up! 78 Hours without Social Media | Crossroads of the Heart

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